• Ophir Pass | Ophir, CO

    If you’ve been following the news at all, you’ve seen that Texas was majorly impacted by the winter weather that passed through this past week. Fortunately, we were lucky to have not experienced as much devastation as some of our friends and neighbors, but it was still a crazy week altogether. This weekend temperatures shot back up to the 60s and 70s which helped us get out of the cold weather funk and start thinking about what trips we want to take this year. Since we just booked our 3rd annual summer trip to Telluride, I figured I’d share about a fun experience we had near Telluride on our first…

  • Meow Wolf | Santa Fe, New Mexico

    With all the cold weather we’re having in Dallas this weekend, I keep reminiscing of memories of visiting the desert – somewhere warm! Our trip to Taos, New Mexico a few years ago did not disappoint. We hit up some really interesting places like Ojo Caliente and the El Santuario De Chimayo. Some of our friends from Dallas joined us on the trip, and one of the days we drove into Santa Fe to scout around. Donovan and his friend Jesse had been talking about this place called Meow Wolf all day, so the girls caved and we all decided to go check it out. The best way to describe…

  • Ojo Caliente Spa | Ojo Caliente, New Mexico

    A few weeks ago, I posted about our Easter trip to Taos, New Mexico and mentioned our afternoon at Ojo Caliente, so I wanted to share a bit more about our experience. When we were planning our trip to Taos, my parents told us about Ojo Caliente, the hot springs located near Taos. My dad joked and said Ojo Caliente was too rustic, and that we would be better spent at Ten Thousand Waves . We called both to try to set spa appointments, and Ojo Caliente had availability, so that’s where we decided to go! Ojo Caliente is an unincorporated community about an hour north of Santa Fe, but…

  • Jacob’s Well | Wimberley, Texas

    January always feels like the longest month of the year. It’s cold, gray, the holidays are over, and it’s back-to-work for everyone. Each year, in January, Dono and I try to take a weekend getaway to break up the monotony of the work routine. In previous January’s we’ve taken a weekend trip to Broken Bow, and we’ve also done a mini-road trip to Waco and Central Texas. We usually try to keep these trips short – only a Saturday/Sunday as we don’t want to impact our work PTO time so early in the year! This year, we decided to take a drive to Austin, Texas, which is about 3-ish hours…

  • Taos, New Mexico

    A few years ago, I found some really cheap airfare to Albuquerque for Easter weekend. If you know me at all, you know I’m a sucker for a cheap flight. Donovan groans every time I find affordable airfare because usually it means we have to ride coach. Ha! Someone has become accustomed to getting bumped up to first class! I went to Albuquerque/Santa Fe a few years prior with my parents, but I had never been to Taos. Donovan had never been to either location, so we felt this would be a good place to explore together. Because I booked the cheap flight, we were literally on the first flight…

  • Aspen, Colorado

    If you read our last post, you already know that we spent New Year’s weekend in Colorado. When we were planning the trip, we had a really hard time deciding where we wanted to stay. The thought of having an off-the-grid chalet or mountain house seemed really appealing, but I also knew we wouldn’t be able to sit still that long. Realistically, we considered booking a hotel room in Boulder, but then I had a random idea of driving to Aspen for a day, so ultimately we decided to stay downtown. That would give us the flexibility of driving to some ski towns, but also driving north to Rocky Mountain…

  • Hot Tub Boats | Seattle, WA

    *This is not a sponsored post – we just loved our experience!* A few months ago, I was scrolling through Pinterest while getting a pedicure. Donovan and I were planning our trip to Seattle, and per usual, I was trying to find something new and fun for us to do. I ran across an advertisement for Hot Tub Boats and was immediately intrigued – this looked right up our alley! I did a bit of research and then booked us a boat right there on the spot! We rented the boat from Hot Tub Boats on a Sunday morning at 10am. Setting up the appointment online was pretty easy –…

  • Estes Park, Colorado

    This year, for New Year’s weekend, Donovan and I wanted to abandon our typical New Year’s Eve plans and make a last minute trip. Usually, we host a New Year’s Eve “come as you are” party at our house where we cook big pots of chicken and sausage gumbo and our friends and family come and go throughout the night to hang out. Our lamps are all on timers, so we always joke that when the lights go out at 10pm, it’s time for everyone to leave! Since COVID numbers were jumping up in our area, we thought it would be best to not have a ton of people at…

  • 2020: A Year In Review

    2020. What a year. Am I Right? I think we can all agree that 2020 has been probably the most exhausting year in recent history – a global pandemic, a polarizing election, and even murder hornets! (what?!) When I reflect on this crazy year, I do feel grateful. Yes, there is a lot we missed out on and many trips we had to cancel. Yes, we didn’t get to spend as much time with family and friends as we would like. Yes, we had to dine outdoors in 30* weather, and yes, we had to enjoy our Gloria’s margaritas from the comfort of our own home. But…I am still grateful.…

  • Palm Island, Grenadines

    With cold weather blowing through Dallas this week, I was feeling a bit nostalgic for warmer, sunnier weather, and I immediately thought about our trip to Palm Island in the Grenadines for our honeymoon. Funny Story. We left our honeymoon planning up to Donovan’s dad. Things were stressful enough during that time – I had just switched jobs, and we were also trying to plan a wedding. The last thing I really felt like doing was planning a honeymoon — too many choices! Donovan’s dad LOVES surprises, so we were happy to release him to come up with something fun. Our only request was for the honeymoon to be relaxing.…