• The Narrows | Zion National Park

    It’s always been a dream of mine to hike The Narrows in Zion National Park. I’ve always seen images of tiny slot canyons with a river rushing through it, and I wanted to experience it myself. A few weeks ago, one of my cousins and I decided to meet up in St. George, Utah and do a few hikes in Zion National Park. To say I was excited was an understatement! Our first full day in Zion we wanted to hike The Narrows. I had done a bit of researching online before we went to see what all we would need. I mean, I knew the water would be freezing,…

  • Great Sand Dunes National Park | Colorado

    Leading into Labor Day weekend, I was really itching for another trip. We had been home for 2 months (the horror! ha!) and it was time to get away for a few days and enjoy new scenery. After our trip to Taos a few years ago, we were interested to get back to the desert! While we spent most of the weekend in Santa Fe and Taos, on Sunday we wanted to do some driving and exploring new areas. Donovan had read about this beautiful scenic drive on Highway 64, so that’s where we started! From Santa Fe, we headed north to Taos, and then headed west on Highway 64…

  • Estes Park, Colorado

    This year, for New Year’s weekend, Donovan and I wanted to abandon our typical New Year’s Eve plans and make a last minute trip. Usually, we host a New Year’s Eve “come as you are” party at our house where we cook big pots of chicken and sausage gumbo and our friends and family come and go throughout the night to hang out. Our lamps are all on timers, so we always joke that when the lights go out at 10pm, it’s time for everyone to leave! Since COVID numbers were jumping up in our area, we thought it would be best to not have a ton of people at…

  • Washington – Olympic Peninsula

    (Disclaimer: Yes, we did travel during the pandemic, however, we are very cautious and careful of where we go, what we touch, and who we interact with. We use an insane amount of Purell & Lysol wipes and always wear a face mask when we’re around other people. We also typically travel to non-populous dense places to avoid people, and we try to stay at home as much as possible once we return to limit others’ exposure.) One of our favorite things about traveling west is going to Seattle. For some reason this city is just captivating to us – there is just so much to do and see! From…