• 24 Hours in Santa Monica, California

    I’m going to preface this post with saying… Yes. I am a loyalty points snob. Ok, now that I got that out of the way….. A few weeks ago, I was evaluating my 2021 loyalty points achievements and realized I was only about 5,000 miles away from earning the next status with American Airlines, and I needed to earn the points before the end of January. I was SO close! I talked it over with Dono and we decided that I’d take a quick weekend trip to earn the points. He had suggested flying to Miami and back in a day for a quick “mileage run,” but spending all day…

  • New Year’s in Chicago

    Every year, we usually host a party at our house for New Year’s Eve. I cook a massive pot of chicken and sausage gumbo and everyone shows up “as they are.” Some people stay for hours, some just show up to say hi and leave. It’s always fun and a great way to connect with neighbors, friends, and family as we go into the new year. This year, we decided to abandon our annual get together for a winter trip to Chicago. Donovan had been to Chicago once or twice for work, and I had never been – as long as you don’t count flying through O’Hare on my way…

  • Meow Wolf | Santa Fe, New Mexico

    With all the cold weather we’re having in Dallas this weekend, I keep reminiscing of memories of visiting the desert – somewhere warm! Our trip to Taos, New Mexico a few years ago did not disappoint. We hit up some really interesting places like Ojo Caliente and the El Santuario De Chimayo. Some of our friends from Dallas joined us on the trip, and one of the days we drove into Santa Fe to scout around. Donovan and his friend Jesse had been talking about this place called Meow Wolf all day, so the girls caved and we all decided to go check it out. The best way to describe…

  • Hot Tub Boats | Seattle, WA

    *This is not a sponsored post – we just loved our experience!* A few months ago, I was scrolling through Pinterest while getting a pedicure. Donovan and I were planning our trip to Seattle, and per usual, I was trying to find something new and fun for us to do. I ran across an advertisement for Hot Tub Boats and was immediately intrigued – this looked right up our alley! I did a bit of research and then booked us a boat right there on the spot! We rented the boat from Hot Tub Boats on a Sunday morning at 10am. Setting up the appointment online was pretty easy –…

  • San Francisco, California

    A few years ago, I had the privilege of taking a work trip to Sacramento, California to meet with a client. It was all business for 90% of the trip, until it was our last night in town. Unfortunately, the client we were working with needed to go home early, so my co-worker and I decided to wrap up the day a little early and head into San Francisco … after all, we were SO close, I couldn’t NOT go! I had never been to San Francisco before and was really eager to check it all out – even if we only had a few hours. After a few Google…