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Pirate’s Tower | Victoria Beach, California

A couple of years ago for work, I had the privilege of representing my company at a conference in Newport Beach, California. I volunteered to get there a day early so I could pick up the rental car and all the material we needed for the exhibitor booth. On my first day in Newport Beach I wanted to find a fun, trendy lunch spot. I googled a few places and found a restaurant called Sqirl. Sqirl was in East Hollywood. If you’re not from LA like me, East Hollywood and Newport Beach only looks like they’re about 30 minutes a part. Boy, I was wrong. It took me an hour and a half to get there because of traffic …. at 10am! Regardless, Sqirl was my first “foray” into hipster brunch options, and I was not disappointed. This was also where I had my first vanilla bean limeade, and needless to say, I can’t drink limeade any other way now! Yummmmm!

Anyways, The conference ended at noon on a Friday, but my flight out wasn’t until 8am the next morning, so I had quite the time to kill. Some of the other folks on the trip had decided to go to a baseball game. They invited me to go, but baseball isn’t really my thing, so I decided I’d stay back at the hotel and find something fun to do on my own.

First, I wanted to just take a drive up and own the Pacific Coast Highway. I drove south on Highway-1 from Newport Beach to Laguna Beach. In Laguna Beach, I parked in a parking lot to do some quick Google searches to see what was around me. Since it was getting close to dusk, I knew it needed to be something close by.

One of my first Google searches gave me a result for “Pirate’s Tower.” The pictures I saw online looked cool, so I wanted to check it out.

Getting to Victoria Beach was quite the accomplishment in itself. I had to literally park on the side of Highway-1 because the neighborhood roads near the beach entrance were too narrow. I think I waited to get out of the car for over 20 minutes before I decided to get out on the passenger side — the traffic just wouldn’t stop!

I then walked through the neighborhood to the beach entrance. I swear, if you don’t know what you’re looking for, you’d never find it!

Once I got out on the beach, I took off my shoes, veered right and walked towards the cliffs. At one point I felt pretty stupid. No one else was walking in this direction. I was also rock scrambling for a bit, so I figured may be this is where I’d get swallowed up by the sea. (shrug) Finally, I turned another corner of another cliff, and ta-dah! I saw the Pirate’s Tower!

According to multiple sources on the internet, the tower was built in 1926 to enclose the stairs that led to the beach from a wealthy California senator’s home.

I will say, it was a pretty cool sight to see. Unfortunately, the doors to the tower were locked, so no one could go inside, but it was pretty to look at. I walked around the base for awhile, but saw the tide starting to come back in, so I decided it would be best to head back towards the car.

One thing no one told me in any of the blog posts I saw was that the hike to get back up to the car would be exhausting!

I was so excited to see the Pirate’s Tower at first, that I forgot how many steps and steep hills I had to climb down to get there…going back up was way worse and a killer on my thighs. I think at one point I stopped in the middle of the street of the neighborhood gasping for air because it literally felt like I was walking straight up!

The Pirate’s Tower was such a cool thing to see in Laguna Beach – especially when short on time. The beach itself was also very clean and quiet (at least it was in April), that I would definitely go back to visit!

If you like my photo of Pirate’s Tower, you can purchase it on Etsy for your Samsung Frame Tv! Click here to visit our Etsy shop!