• 2021: A Year In Review

    Every year it blows my mind how fast time goes by. What’s the saying…”the days are long, but the years are short”? Sometimes that’s how it feels – bogged down in the day-to-day monotony of errands, day jobs, keeping the house clean, exercising, walking the dog, trying to eat healthy, wash my face, keep up with the news, and stay current on tv shows and movies …. but looking back, there’s SO much more that happens that fills me with utmost joy — traveling! Donovan jokes that I have the most expensive hobby with traveling – I mean, he’s not wrong – but it truly does fill me with so…

  • Great Sand Dunes National Park | Colorado

    Leading into Labor Day weekend, I was really itching for another trip. We had been home for 2 months (the horror! ha!) and it was time to get away for a few days and enjoy new scenery. After our trip to Taos a few years ago, we were interested to get back to the desert! While we spent most of the weekend in Santa Fe and Taos, on Sunday we wanted to do some driving and exploring new areas. Donovan had read about this beautiful scenic drive on Highway 64, so that’s where we started! From Santa Fe, we headed north to Taos, and then headed west on Highway 64…

  • Ophir Pass | Ophir, CO

    If you’ve been following the news at all, you’ve seen that Texas was majorly impacted by the winter weather that passed through this past week. Fortunately, we were lucky to have not experienced as much devastation as some of our friends and neighbors, but it was still a crazy week altogether. This weekend temperatures shot back up to the 60s and 70s which helped us get out of the cold weather funk and start thinking about what trips we want to take this year. Since we just booked our 3rd annual summer trip to Telluride, I figured I’d share about a fun experience we had near Telluride on our first…

  • Aspen, Colorado

    If you read our last post, you already know that we spent New Year’s weekend in Colorado. When we were planning the trip, we had a really hard time deciding where we wanted to stay. The thought of having an off-the-grid chalet or mountain house seemed really appealing, but I also knew we wouldn’t be able to sit still that long. Realistically, we considered booking a hotel room in Boulder, but then I had a random idea of driving to Aspen for a day, so ultimately we decided to stay downtown. That would give us the flexibility of driving to some ski towns, but also driving north to Rocky Mountain…

  • Estes Park, Colorado

    This year, for New Year’s weekend, Donovan and I wanted to abandon our typical New Year’s Eve plans and make a last minute trip. Usually, we host a New Year’s Eve “come as you are” party at our house where we cook big pots of chicken and sausage gumbo and our friends and family come and go throughout the night to hang out. Our lamps are all on timers, so we always joke that when the lights go out at 10pm, it’s time for everyone to leave! Since COVID numbers were jumping up in our area, we thought it would be best to not have a ton of people at…