• Hot Tub Boats | Seattle, WA

    *This is not a sponsored post – we just loved our experience!* A few months ago, I was scrolling through Pinterest while getting a pedicure. Donovan and I were planning our trip to Seattle, and per usual, I was trying to find something new and fun for us to do. I ran across an advertisement for Hot Tub Boats and was immediately intrigued – this looked right up our alley! I did a bit of research and then booked us a boat right there on the spot! We rented the boat from Hot Tub Boats on a Sunday morning at 10am. Setting up the appointment online was pretty easy –…

  • Leavenworth, Washington

    Our first trip to Leavenworth was in March 2018. I was in Spokane for a work trip, and Donovan and I had it planned out that once the work part of the trip was complete, I’d fly from Spokane to Seattle (about a 30 minute flight), and Dono would fly up from Dallas, so we could spend a long weekend in one of our favorite PNW locations. Coincidentally, it was also a holiday weekend – Easter – so we weren’t expecting a ton of action. We just wanted to spend some time admiring the beautiful scenery. We called my parents one night to touch base, and we told them that…

  • Washington – Olympic Peninsula

    (Disclaimer: Yes, we did travel during the pandemic, however, we are very cautious and careful of where we go, what we touch, and who we interact with. We use an insane amount of Purell & Lysol wipes and always wear a face mask when we’re around other people. We also typically travel to non-populous dense places to avoid people, and we try to stay at home as much as possible once we return to limit others’ exposure.) One of our favorite things about traveling west is going to Seattle. For some reason this city is just captivating to us – there is just so much to do and see! From…